Shiftcode Integration

Here are the steps to properly setup postback for your Shiftcode based GPT website. Let's get started.

Step 1:

Login to your Shiftcode admin panel, click on Products -> Paid To Sign Up and select "Affiliate Networks".

Step 2:

Now select custom network and click Add.

Step 3:

Enter Monlix in name field, after that click on Add Affiliate Network.

Step 4:

Then go to Affiliate networks page and click edit on Monlix.

Step 5:

Now enter the settings as shown in below image.

Shiftcode integration settings image

Once you got this working, copy URL that you got from Shiftcode, and add these parameters on it.{{userId}}&reward={{rewardValue}}&status={{status}}&secret={{secretKey}}

If you have any issues with this, please go to our Contact page and shoot us an email.